Gambaform 1

I began this instrument while in Toulouse, France, and finished it here in Maine. It’s Inspired by classic and modern French luthery, but also incorporates Italian and German influences.
The back, although ‘flat’, is bowed heavily from neck block to end-pin block. This enabled me to use a thinner plate for the back, as it gets its rigidity from its bowed shape, rather than from its mass. Additionally, there should be a greater variation in standing waves, and so a wider spectrum of modal frequencies (more balanced sound). Further, the ribs are quite deep around the center, but taper to a very playable depth up at the shoulders.
The ribs and back are made form maple that was milled over fifty years ago in a German shop. The top is European spruce.
The neck is removable and also can be adjusted in full tension for changes to the action, eliminating the need for bridge adjusters.
The finish is a spirit ground with a brushed oil varnish overlaid.
Currently, this bass can be played in the Finlay+Gage showroom in NYC.
104.5cm / 41” String Length
Upper bout - 49cm
Middle Bout - 35cm
Lower Bout - 68.5 cm
Rib depth 22cm / 16cm